Hammam in the centre of Bač is a valuable and rare testimony to the times of the Ottoman rule in Vojvodina. It was most probably built after 1578, and Evli Çelebi mentioned on his visit to Bač in 1665. According to the archaeological finds, there were six rooms in the hammam (halvat - a waiting room with a cloakroom; sadirvan - a bathroom: hazna - a water tank; kulhan - a boiler/furnace room). It is partially demolished, but a section of a dome over the central rooms is preserved.
Remains of the Turkish bathroom
In the 14th century, invasions by Turks were recorded with increasing frequency. Many campaigns against the Turks started in Bač. During the Battle of Mohács, Bač also gave its cavalry, but the invasion of the Turks was not stopped, and Bač was conquered in 1529 at the beginning of the 15th century after the Battle of Mohács and the fall of Belgrade. After the battle of Mohács, the Turks devastated Bač and this town in Bačka became the kadiluk of Szeged sanjak and the seat of Bač nahia, which counted 70 villages.
Hamam in the center of Bač is a valuable and rare testimony of the period of Ottoman rule in Vojvodina. It was most probably built after 1578 and also recorded by Evliya Çelebi during his visit to Bač in 1665. Based on the archaeological findings, it is known that there were six rooms in the hammam. The hammam was partially demolished, but part of the dome over the central room has been preserved. Also preserved were the walls of several rooms with vessels from this period, as well as the visible remains of ceramic pipes, which served to distribute hot and cold water.
Адреса: Трг Др Зорана Ђинђића 4, 21420 Бач
Тел: +381 (0) 64 85 11 926
Емаил: turizambac@gmail.com
Address: Trg Dr Zorana Đinđića 4, Bač 21420
Phone: +381 64 85 11 926
Email: turizambac@gmail.com
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